Recycled Packaging Christmas Tags

When it comes to packaging, I can not bare to throw out a good piece of cardstock.  I believe everything has a purpose.  So, when the clouds made the sky dark, the rains started heading our way, and the temperature began to drop, I thought, "What better way to spend the day than inside, crafting!"

I tend to "collect" a lot of packaging, so I pulled out my mounds of "Sparkle and Co" cardstock, my paper cutter, hole punch, a black felt tip marker and an old white 'Ornament Marker.' The cool weather put me in a Fall kind of mood and my mind immediately went to Christmas tags!

This craft project was rather simple.  I cut two size of tags; 2.5 x 3.5, and 1.5 x 2.5.  Of course, I saved all those little scraps too, knowing I will find use for them during a random embellishment making day! Next, I drew two simple trees and a snow man, followed by some white highlights for the snow and a cute little moon found hidden behind the trees.  I finished the tags off with brown hole reinforcements and Christmas ribbon.

This is a great way to create a waste free craft zone and use what you have!  Crafting does not have to be expensive, nor does it require tons of tools and talents.  If you have any old packaging around, I hope you give this project a try.


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